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Cookies Policy

We want to make services we delivered on the internet easy and our content richer and relevant. This sometimes involves placing cookies on your computer or mobile device.

Cookies are simple pieces of data stored on your hard drive. They are safe as they cannot be used to disseminate viruses and they can't be executed as code.

Cookies we use cannot be used to identify you personally as no personal information such as telephone numbers or email addresses are stored within these cookies.

Cookies used on our website

We will save the following cookies on your computer:

  • COOKIE_CHECK - used to determine whether a user's browser accepts cookie. This cookie has a lifetime of 1 year.
  • PHPSESSID - used to store the session id of a user. This is required to determine whether a user is logged in to our web site. Session data is also stored when a user is filling in a form, however the data is stored on the server and not in the cookie. This cookie is set to expire as soon as a user quits their browser.

Both of these cookies are required for our site to operate and do not contain personal data. We therefore consider these cookies necessary in order to provide a service to the user.

You could also delete cookies from your device and change cookies setting in your chosen browser - How to delete cookies.